Addr | Addr(x): pointer; | Returns the address of a specified object |
Seg | Seg(x): Word; | Returns the segment of a specified object |
Ofs | Ofs(x): Word; | Returns the offset of a specified object |
Ptr | Ptr(Seg, Ofs: Word): pointer; | Converts a segment base and an offset address to a pointer-type value |
Cseg | CSeg: Word; | Returns the current value of the CS register |
Dseg | DSeg: Word; | Returns the current value of the DS register |
Sseg | SSeg: Word; | Returns the current value of the SS register |
SPtr | SPtr: Word; | Returns the current value of the SP register |
MemAvail | MemAvail: Longint; | Returns sum of all free blocks in the heap |
MaxAvail | MaxAvail: Longint; | Returns the size of the largest contiguous free block in the heapThis block corresponds to the size of the largest dynamic variable that can be allocated at that time |
New | New(var p: pointer); | Creates a new dynamic variable, sets a pointer variable to point to it |
Dispose | Dispose(var p: pointer); | Disposes a dynamic variable |
GetMem | GetMem(var p: pointer; size: Word); | Creates a dynamic variableCreates a new dynamic variable of the specified size and puts the address of the block in a pointer variable |
FreeMem | FreeMem(var p: pointer; size: Word); | Disposes a dynamic variable of a given size |
Mark | Mark(var p: pointer); | Records the state of the heap in a pointer variable |
Release | Release(var p: pointer); | Returns the heap to a given state |